1634 Jerrold Ave.
San Francisco, California

Ever wanted to learn about how coffee gets from the seed to the cup? Join The Hub and head out to Ritual Coffee Roasters (located in the new Flora Grub Gardens) for a lesson on ‘Coffee Cupping’.

Cupping is the coffee industry's way of tasting several coffees at once. Through meditation on the fragrance, aroma, and taste of several coffees in juxtaposition, each is understood in a way far transcending the bliss of your morning cup of joe. Cupping is also the culmination of dozens of incremental steps used to strip each coffee down and reveal its most essential characteristics. First you admire the roasted beans, then you inhale the complex dry fragrance, woo them with water, and smell the sweet aroma of the brew, breaking the insulating crust that a fresh roasted coffee forms. Finally, the juicy liquor of the coffee is enjoyed, discussed, and completely understood, enhanced by its context in relation to the other samples being cupped.

Sun, July1
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Ritual Coffee Roasters
Inside the new Flora Grub Gardens
1634 Jerrold Ave
San Francisco, CA
Free Event

Official Website: http://jccsf.org/content_main.aspx?catid=448#1833

Added by sfjccarts on June 18, 2007



Ooh, I hope this will be repeated :)