Time for a cup of coffee?
Then you have enough time to meet. No lengthy lunches in the middle of the day or early breakfast meetings (yawn).
Join us for a caffeine charged power networking meeting Mid week, mid morning for 60-90 minutes.
* Promote yourself with a 30-second commercial
* Listen to a weekly 10 minute informational presentation by our members such as: "The Importance of Press Releases for Your Business"; "Tips for Organizing Your Business and Personal Life"; "The Greening of Your Home"; "How to Be an Effective Writer" and more.
Members are limited to one from each business or profession represented.
Benefits of Coffee and Contacts Power Networking for Women
* Expand Your Sphere of Influence!
* Referrals, Referrals, Referrals!
* Develop your Networking Skills
* Develop New Social and Business Relationships.
* Free Workshops on Networking, Business Building, and Personal Growth.
* Monthly "Lunch and Learn" covering topics of interest
* And much, much more!!!
Who should join?
*Women of integrity who own a small business or work on referrals and want to grow their business
*Women who want to expand personally and professionally
*Women who want to develop long-term relationships with other like minded women
*Women who are willing to share referrals with the businesses of fellow members whenever possible
*Women who understand the power of networking together to maximize their effectiveness in the marketplace.
FOR MORE INFO: http://www.coffeeandcontacts.biz and http://businessnetwork.meetup.com/252/
Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of ebatson.
Added by Event Promo on June 12, 2008