1900 Buena Vista Drive
Lake Buena Vista, Florida

"CodingCert brings you its first ever Roadshow!

Our Medical Coding Certification Training Camps have helped hundreds of coders get certified and get that well-deserved pay increase and better employment opportunities. Now, we’re taking it a step further.

We will continue to provide you the training and preparation so that you make it through and be certified with flying colors. Aside from that, we’ll be adding an interactive forum where an expert speaker will be talking about topics that will help you do you work better and more efficiently.

See the dates below and we might be headed to an area near you:

October 21-23, 2011
Courtyard Dallas Market Center

Nov 29, 2011 – Dec 01, 2011
Buena Vista Palace

Sign Up Today!
Call 866.458.2962 or email certification@codingconferences.com.
Registration link: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=bcpymrgab&oeidk=a07e4g9u7zmea13c8f6"

Added by Leslie Nemenzo on September 2, 2011

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