Coded Cultures Festival Vienna 27.5. - 7.6.2009, Vienna, Austria
Presentations 28.05.2009 - 31.05.2009
The presentations of artists, researchers, curators and projects during the symposium “CODED CULTURES - Exploring Creative Emergences” are giving an inside look on creative practices and forms of organization explored by the participants.
The combination of projects, artist presentations and contextualized lectures by curators and producers from Japan, Austria and Europe on the intersection of different fields of creativity will be outlined in panel presentations and discussions.
Aldo Tolino (AT) "beyond play: a taxonomy of ludic artefacts"
BCL (Georg Tremmel & Shiho Fukuhara, AT/JP) "Common Flowers (Bio-hacking and Open-sourcing)"
Bernhard Garnicnig, Gottfried Haider (AT) "Craving"
Ivan Poupyrev (RU) "Physical Interfaces and Programmable Reality"
Kazuki Saita & Hiroko Mugibayashi & Soichiro Mihara (JP) "moids 2.0 - acoustic emergence structure"
Ryota Kuwakubo (JP) "Sta-colla and Nicodama"
Takahiro Kaneshima (JP) "Far East Contemporaries"
Ludic Society (Margarete Jahrmann, Gordan Savicic, Phillip Lammer, AT) "ToyGenoSonic"
UBERMORGEN.COM (AT/CH/US) "How to design hallucinatory software (The Generator Tetralogy)"
Verina Gfader (FI) "I prefer not to use predictable paths*"
SHIMURABROS. (Yuka Shimura & Kentaro Shimura, JP) "X-RAY TRAIN - LUMIÈRE BROS. to SHIMURA BROS."
Yuko Mohri (JP) "The execution of Mary"
Mamoru Okuno (JP) Performance: "etude for everyday objects"
5VOLTCORE (Christian Gützer & Emanuel Andel, AT) Workshop: "Toy Bending"
Official Website:
Added by z3cko on May 19, 2009