2007 Partygoers Comments:
It's the gala. What more do we need to say?
Everybody with a full conference badge + many spouses. Only the seriously uncool go to this event in their booth duty clothing. Change into an evening suit or dress first, for Christ's sake.
The SF Marriott this year is a far cry from the Academy of Sciences with live animal exhibits or the San Jose Arena with Jefferson Starship on stage of years past. Kudos to the organizers for publishing the menu. (See URL). However, this line in the menu worries us:
"Complimentary *house brand* cocktails". Does this mean no premium vodka?
You need a full conference pass or a special ticket to get into the Codebreakers Bash. Only full conference pass holders can buy that special ticket. If you need one, ask your friendly full conference pass holder to buy you one now. An Expo Plus pass will not get you into the Codebreakers Bash!
Official Website: http://www.rsaconference.com/2008/US/Travel/Meals_and_Food.aspx
Added by RSA Parties on March 17, 2008