Meet the world's leading inventors of leading and common encryption mechanisms. Challenge them and learn how to better create or break the code.
Meet with the world’s leading cryptographers Adi Shamir, Ron Rivest, Bart Preneel and Vincent Rijmen and some of the world’s leading experts in information security such as Bruce Schneier and John Manferdelli in person, on a special evening with LSEC (
A special roundtable discussion in the sidelines of the world leading FSE and NIST-conferences taking place in Leuven from February 22nd until February 28th.
Under the theme “Codebreakers and Enigmas”, some of the world leading experts in the domain of ICT and more particularly information security will be havind a roundtable discussion hosted by LSEC and presided by Prof. Dr. Bart Preneel, followed by a cocktail reception.
Official Website:
Added by fredegre on February 11, 2009