“12 Months On" is a glimpse into our lives and how we are trying to deal with this realisation, and the questions this raises about how we deal with death. We are expected to put another’s needs before our own, and are perceived as selfish if we defy this status quo.
This piece portrays the taboo of the perceived selfishness and the emotionally-draining experience of withholding the natural need for sharing, instead expressing our own emotions brought on by someone else’s extreme adversity.
Watching someone else dying - do we grieve for them or are we grieving for ourselves as we realise we are not immortal and our lives will come to end? Can we ever truly accept this?
Reviews of our last work, 'You Remind Me of Someone I Once Knew', which premiered at Resolution! 2012, include:
"Compelling, played in perfect parallel, not just in timing but in weight and attack" - Lyndsey Winship, Resolution! Review 2012
“Nikki Watson has seamlessly blended physical theatre with contemporary dance and created a beautiful yet powerful piece.” - Chantal Guevara, Cloud Dance Festival
"Choreographer Nikki Watson immediately engrossed the room and set the bar high…delicacy of each passing moment is captured with great depth and emotion by the two talented young dancers" - Sam Reynolds, Stage Won
Also presenting works on the same night will be Lucy Loughlin of Vincent Dance Theatre and previously of NorrDans, and Brazilian choreographer Mariana Camiloti, who co-choreographed last year's Place Prize finalist 'Cameo'.
Added by Chantal Guevara on January 4, 2013