171 East Main St.
Canton, Georgia

The Comedy Magic of:Dennis Aloia, Peter Hefty and Justin "America's Hippest Ventriloquist", Juggling by Adam Boehmer, Music of R&B Sensation Mimi Johnson, The sounds of Frank Sinatra by: Gabe Russo, Hosted by Comedian Mike Aloia.
We provide a family fun variety show with Magic, Music, Comedy,Ventrioquism and more..Become a Sponsor..Companies that purchase 10 or 20 blocks of tickets are recognized for their participation. The tickets are donated to local foster children and family organizations so the kids and families can come enjoy the show and also give the kids a chance to get involved with the performing arts.. We are targeting the local theaters in your community Nationwide. This is a great way to get involved and help America's foster children and families. To book the Coconut Grove Players please call Mike 904-229-8150 or email us at coconutgroveplayers@hotmail.com To purchase Tickets go to www.tix.com enter keyword cantontheatre.. See you at the show.

Official Website: http://goo.gl/YsXkL

Added by GetPromotd Services on June 25, 2012