GuitarOne magazine calls guitarist/vocalist Coco Montoya the hottest southpaw in the blues and raves about his master touch and killer tone. The Boston Globe succinctly states that Montoyas music is hot, blistering soul. From his early days as a drummer to his current status as one of the top-drawing guitarists and vocalists on the blues-rock scene, Montoya earned his status through years of hard work and constant touring.
For Johnny A., the guitar has been a lifelong fascination. Those six strings exert a powerful hold over the man, inspiring moments of ecstatic improvisation, imparting deep contemplation and, occasionally, moments of aching frustration. It's a stormy affair coupled with a tempestuous hollow-body lover, but the rewards have been great.
Event submitted by on behalf of worldcafelive2.
Added by worldcafelive3 on October 6, 2008