6 Eaton Place, Kemptown
Brighton, England BN2 1EH

Visit this popular and friendly venue, hosting a collection of stunning artworks, stylish interiors and designer lighting.


JACQUELINE HAMMOND - http://jacqueline-hammond.com/
Paintings and prints inspired by travel and Brighton life.

NICK SAYERS - http://www.nicksayers.com/
Spherical sculptures, lights and shelters made from recycled materials.

COCO INTERIORS - http://www.coco-interiors.co.uk/
Twentieth century reproduction furniture, lights and wall clocks.

SMARTYLAMPS - http://www.smartylamps.co.uk/
Smart modular, designer lighting for smart homes and spaces. Retro chic.

Part of the Brighton Festival Artists' Open Houses.

Coco Interiors, 6 Eaton Place, Brighton BN2 6EH
01273 818232 / info@coco-interiors.co.uk
Artists Open House KT12 (Kemptown Trail)

Open Saturdays and Sundays
1-2, 8-9, 15-16, 22-23 May 2010
12 noon - 5pm (other times by appointment)

Official Website: http://www.aoh.org.uk/artists-open-houses/aoh-may-2010/trails/venues-for-trail/venue?vid=188

Added by nsayers on April 20, 2010

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