The Kitchen Takeover IV: The 4th installment of Abigaile's monthly "The Kitchen Takeover" series, hosted by Abigaile's Chef Tin Vuong will focus on desserts and cocktails and featuring, a special appearance from Duff Goldman, star of Ace of Cakes and Owner of Charm City Cakes and Duff’s Cakemix.
Abigaile's location in Hermosa Beach has a rich history as a gathering place, and perhaps most famously, as a rehearsal space for Black Flag and many of punk rock's most influential acts. The Kitchen Takeover series carries on the location's tradition as a gathering place with chefs coming together and collaborating for the love of food. Beyond amazing eats, guests can expect the unique experience of seeing chefs working together and providing interesting insights into their dishes
Added by kkoury930 on April 2, 2013