Prepare yourselves for the final showdown
Between students and Coca-Cola
pack the room, pack the hall, pack the steps, pack the union
///COKE ///
/// on ///
/// TRIAL///
Rally-Union Steps-3:00 Trial-Anderson Room of the Union-3:30
After 6 months, the administration has finally agreed to hear if Coca-Cola
is complicit in:
-Assassination of 9 Colombia Unionists -Stealing Water from Indian Farmers
-Distributing Toxic Waste as Fertilizer
The Coalition needs your support! This trial will largely determine if the
cuts the contract.
If you can do one thing to help Dump
turn out for the rally and trial!
The Coke Coalition: United Asian American Organizations, UM Amnesty
International, La Voz Latina, Native American Students Association,
Students Allied for Freedom and Equality, Tzedek, Graduate Employees
Organization, Students Organizing for Labor and Economic Equality, Student
Greens, College Democrats, Environmental Justice, Environmental Action,
Benzinger Library Co-Operative, Brewing Hope, Students Educating and
Volunteering for Health Awareness, Association for India's Development,
Muslim Student's Association, the Peace and Justice Commission, Energy
Action, and
Added by arborupdate on April 24, 2005