As the legend of Cobra Starship would have it, frontman Gabe Saporta fled into the deserts of Arizona one day to find the true meaning of his existence away from his emo-rock band, Midtown. Saporta spent days and nights pondering life, while mysterious lights constantly plagued the nighttime sky above him. One distinct night, the lights became so mesmerizing that Gabe became catatonic and started levitating into the air. A snake, however, suddenly came out of nowhere and bit his neck; he awoke to find a talking cobra from the future nursing his wounds. This enigmatic cobra went on to explain the end of the world with no salvation for anyone, and that he was thus sent to find Gabe to disclose his life's purpose -- to ensure that mankind went out in style. And as the cobra revealed, Gabe must complete this "by teaching hipsters to not take themselves so seriously and by telling emo kids to stop being pussies." Hence, Cobra Starship was born...uh, back in New York.
Event submitted by on behalf of metrohybrid.
Added by metrohybrid on September 27, 2006