87 Perkins Row
Topsfield, Massachusetts 01983

The fall migration of seabirds along the coast will be underway, and the Cape Ann area provides outstanding lookouts for viewing a great variety of birds. Long lines of cormorants and skeins of scoters and common eiders sweep by the granite cliffs on their passage south. In past years, we have also seen grebes, gannets, harlequin ducks, red-throated loons, kittiwakes, razorbills, and purple sandpipers. We will work our way around Cape Ann, stopping at a number of productive birding spots in Gloucester and Rockport including Gloucester Harbor, Eastern Point, Niles Pond, Halibut Point, and more. Registration is required. Call 978-887-9264 for details. See http://www.massaudubon.org/catalog/listing.php?program_code=611-IP10FA1 for more information.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 26, 2010