1.5 CPE Credits
Managers come to you with questions, direct and indirect, about how to improve an employee's performance. What do you do when training is too expensive, and letting the employee go is not the right solution? How can you help your managers understand what drives performance?
In this interactive session, we will reach into the toolbox of human performance technology (HPT) and explore some easy-to-use models, checklists and useful tools your managers can use to get better performance from their employees.
You'll leave able to:
* Define the EUA model for right action
* Encourage performance improvement as a solution
* Develop your own performance problem (and solution) checklists
* Relay case studies from North Bay HR managers
Russ Powell is a 20-year learning-industry veteran who helps mid-sized and large businesses create effective and affordable professional training programs that help bring their employees to the next level. His programs help business leaders reduce turnover, expand markets, maintain quality and profitability during rapid growth, and increase employee productivity. His recent work with Sun Microsystems and the U.S. Coast Guard led to several industry awards including a gold Brandon Hall Research Excellence in Learning award. His firm Russ Powell Consulting (www.russpowell.com) provides contract instructional design and eLearning project management services.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on May 31, 2010