Dinner Meeting
Check-in begins at 5:30 pm
Dinner begins at 6:00 pm
Speaker & Dinner: Cost: $30 - PMI Members,
$35 - Non-members
Speaker Only: Cost: $15 - PMI Members,
$20 - Non-members
COACHing for Performance, Maintenance and Recognition
Coaching is not just for a ball field or children. Most successful athletes, actors and many great leaders have access to a coach, so what would keep you from learning how to coach to improved performance, maintaining results and for recognizing excellence? Isn't it key to have the right players on the team in the right positions with the right support and tools? That comes from effective coaching!
The COACHing workshop is a dynamic interaction and experience that highlights approaches, situations and realistic expectations. There are examples and role-play that are designed for impact and working through possibilities and probabilities...in action and language. Participants can expect to share experiences and best/worst-case scenarios to know how to handle them.
During the course of the session, leaders will gain insight into the application of a simple approach and leave with a tool that works in all environments and for most individuals and teams. Quite often team members leave COACHing for Performance, Maintenance and Recognition with an increased understanding of the appropriateness and impression that effective COACHing has on them as leaders and each team member with whom they implement the tool. COACHing enables leaders and those being led to identify needs, understand results and appreciate talents in a new and lasting way.
Official Website: http://www.pmi-nefl.org/
Added by stephen6909 on April 13, 2009