BayCES Coaching for Educational Equity Institute: June 24-26, 2009
What is Coaching for Educational Equity?
The BayCES Coaching for Educational Equity (CFEE) Institute trains professional or peer coaches to develop leaders and teams that can effectively address educational inequities in their schools and districts. The CFEE framework draws from extensive research in coaching, facilitation, leadership studies, organizational change, and cultural competence, and our thirteen years of coaching experience in schools and central offices of urban districts. Click here to read Victor Cary's article, "Coaching for Educational Equity from the Inside Out."
The Coaching for Educational Equity Institute trains participants to:
Develop leaders who can manage change in challenging contexts.
Learn and practice effective coaching intervention techniques.
Create an equity-focused theory of action to plan coaching activities and monitor ambitious goals.
Obtain tools, research, and resources for continued coaching skill development.
Topics include:
Building trust and collaborative relationships
Facilitation techniques for productive meetings and discussions
Assessing coaching impact
Addressing the effects of racism and other bias on teaching, learning, and organizational growth.
Goal setting and theories of action
Coaching interventions and crucial conversations
Who attends the Coaching for Educational Equity Institute?
New or experienced professional coaches, principals, district administrators, and nonprofit leaders and managers.
Institute Cost and Logistics
The Institutes is non-residential and will take place in Preservation Park's historic Nile Hall. The registration fee is $1,000 per participant, which includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks each day, as well asa resource binder of materials including coaching tools, templates, and articles. For out of town guests, BayCES has reserved a block of rooms at the Oakland Downtown Marriott Hotel for a discounted price. Please contact Sara Brown at 510-208-0160 x315 or email
sara@bayces.org for more information.
For more information on the BayCES Coaching for Educational Equity Institute and curriculum, please visit www.bayces.org or contact Sara Brown at 510-208-0160 x315 or email
Organized by Bay Area Coalition for Equitable SchoolsThe mission of the Bay Area Coalition for Equitable Schools (BayCES) is to dramatically improve educational experiences, outcomes, and life options for students and families who have been historically underserved by their schools and districts.
Ticket Info: CFEE: June 2009, $1,000.00
Official Website: http://cfeejune2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com