When you are starting a company, figuring who owns what and how to structure the equity fairly is not something you may be thinking about in the early days but is a very important part of the planning process.
Danny Robinson has been through many startups, raised more than 100M in venture capital financing and definitely knows how to structure captables from the get go. This talk wlll help you decide what the split between co-founders should be and explain:
- how to structure that equity to make it fair for everyone in the case someone leaves the company early
- how to maintain and record the split on a captable, and
- how to budget for future stock or option grants to future employees, advisors and investors.
About Danny:
Danny (@dannyrobinson) has been starting and advising early stage technology companies for over 15 years. In this time, he has closed more than $100M over 9 rounds of venture capital financing. Prior to joining the BCIC in 2010, Danny was Director of Bootup Entrepreneurial Society and a co-founder and Managing Partner at Bootup Labs. Danny also co-founded Strutta, a platform that enables anyone, from a small publisher to the world’s premier brands, to easily create online promotions centered around consumer generated content and social media. As an accomplished entrepreneur, Danny works to promote Vancouver as the tech center he believes it can be by connecting local entrepreneurs with Silicon Valley-based VCs, co-organizing the popular tech mixer, Launch Party, speaking at local and international tech events and serving on the Science World Equity Committee. Danny is also a member of the Board of Directors for Strutta and Suite 101.
Added by Bootup entrepreneurial Society on February 9, 2011