"Joomla is the only open source (read "free") content management system (CMS) that's out there, right?
Well, in a very short word, "no". There are over 100 free CMS systems out there that are being used by a variety of businesses - both small and large to manage both web and internal content. Some are best used for document management, some for websites, some for social websites, some for creatives, some for those who...well, you get the picture.
Come for a fun, two-hour overview of what the various open source CMS systems have to offer you - both personally, but especially as a business owner.
We'll discuss the pros and cons, learning curves and suitability of the various CMS'. Which one is the easiest to learn? Which is well-known as having a learning curve that could make you weep? Who makes it easy? And who is trying to call themselves a CMS - but still has a ways to go?
Come and find out!
Seminar Leader:
Chana Campos is a software architect, instructional designer and writer with over 15 years of IT experience. She has acted as Lead Architect for Accenture and KLM on some of the largest software projects in the world. She has trained developers all over the world, including employees of Accenture, Price Waterhouse, EDS, Freescale and ATOS on advanced technology issues. She regularly speaks at conferences throughout the world on issues dealing with open source software development. She currently focuses her work on educating small and medium size businesses to the advantages of open source software for leveling the business "playing field". She teaches open source technology content management systems and architectural and development strategies for small to medium businesses and sharing her love of technology. She is the principal consultant for ByYourSide Training and the President of The Open Focus Group located in Austin, TX."
Free, but registration required: http://austincms.eventbrite.com/
Recommended by Karen Kreps of Refresh Austin. This workshop will also be held on
Official Website: http://www.austincms.eventbrite.com
Added by riddle on November 13, 2008