7727 Memphis Blvd
Brooklyn, Ohio 44144

CMR/The Arc of Cuyahoga County, presents the 4th Annual CMR/Baker Walk & Expo for Disability Awareness. The event will take place on Sunday, June 3, 2007 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Brooklyn Senior/Community Center and Memorial Park, 7727 Memphis Boulevard in Brooklyn.

Features are Lydia Esparra of Channel 3 News, Datz'DNation: Phunk Hip Hop Dance Company, the YMCA P.A.C.E. Tumblers, Rhythmic Arts Drum Project, and the St. Edwards High School Juggling Club. Activities, free food, and entertainment for everyone! Cost is only $5! Call 216-622-0755 x16 or email cmr-clev@cmr-cleveland.org to register.

Official Website: http://cmr-cleveland.org

Added by PKG on May 17, 2007

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