3050 Central Ave
Memphis, Tennessee 38111

Boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, and children of all ages: May we present for your amusement, amazement and entertainment, a colossal combination of all that is great in circus achievement, courtesy of the mysterious, fantastic and magical repair work done by the Physics Department of the University of Memphis: As thrilling as a high wire act, as daring as a flying trapeze, as yummy as pink cotton candy and ready once again to entertain new generations, it's the 21st Century running of the Clyde Parke Circus Parade at the Memphis Pink Palace Museum! usually, the Clyde Parke Circus Parade runs on a regular schedule, for half an hour every day at these times: 10:00 10:30 am (except on Sundays); 12:00 12:30 pm; 2:00 2:30 pm; 3:30 - 4:00 pm.

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 27, 2011

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