328 Lomita Dr
Stanford, California 94305


Join NJYP at Club Getaway for their Fall Sports Weekend! Hundreds of Professionals from all over the Northeast will come together to play for an entire weekend! There will be activities galore, huge buffets, dance parties, and the opportunity to make new friends.

Friday Oct 1st at 5:30pm
to Sunday Oct 3rd at 4:00pm

$349 (before the discount)

Save $25 when you Mention NJYP
- You do NOT need to be a Member of NJYP.
- You can share the code with friends.
- Save $25 off ANY weekend, not just this one.

Cost Includes:
Air conditioned cabin; each with a private bath.
All linens.
All meals (excellent buffets).
Unlimited wine with dinner.
ALL activities.

Sample Activities:
*rock climbing *kayaking
*trapeze lessons *kickboxing
*golfing *biking
*yoga *pilates
*water sports
*cardio kickboxing
*flip cup and beer pong games
*keg softball
*S’mores making by a campfire
*wine tasting
*Friday and Saturday night dance parties!

When you book you can ask to be placed with OTHER MEMBERS OF NJYP.
Cabin size ranges from doubles to quads.

More information:
I (Laura) have gone the last two years so email me with questions, Laura@NJYP.org

Added by its_supersara on August 31, 2010

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