Local Organizer(s): Ross Cooney, Steve Caughey & Amanda Wardropper
Location: Beehive Research Facility, Old Library, Newcastle University- Map:The Beehive is located in the centre of Newcastle University campus at NE1 7RU. Click the following link for a map of the campus:
http://www.ncl.ac.uk/travel/maps/navigator.php?type=campus&bldg=The Beehive is in the Old Library building in the far top left. Haymarket is the nearest metro station with Haymarket and Eldon Sq being the nearest bus stations. Delegates are better off going down Claremont Rd, turning onto Kings Road and turning right into the old arches as there is currently building work blocking off most of the front of campus.
Proposed Agenda - to be confirmed18h00 Registration19h00 Lightning Talks20h00 Unconference Discussions21h00 Networking - Beer and Pizza22h00 optional trip to a local pub!
About CloudCamp:
CloudCamp is an unconference where attendees can exchange ideas, knowledge and information in a creative and supporting environment, advancing the current state of cloud computing and related technologies. As an informal, member-supported gathering, we rely entirely on volunteers to help with meeting content, speakers, meeting locations, equipment and membership recruitment. We also have corporate sponsors that provide financial assistance with venues, food, drink, software, services and other valuable donations.
Interested in more CloudCamps?
CloudCamp London March 12th '09 6pm, (The Crypt, Clerkenwell)CloudCamp Scotland March 25th, '09 6pm
Organized by CloudCampCloudCamp was formed in order to provide a common ground for the introduction and advancement of cloud computing.
Ticket Info: Attendee, Free
Official Website: http://cloudcamp-north-east-england-09-upcoming.eventbrite.com