Proposed agenda:
Tentative Schedule:18:30 Doors Open18:45 Welcome18:50 Lightning talks19:50 Coffee Break20:00 Unconference workshops20:30 Closing20:40 Networking
If you are interested in sponsoring or submitting a proposal for a Lightning Talk, send an email to antonio AT cloudangels DOT eu OR tom.leyden AT sun DOT com.
About CloudCamp:
CloudCamp is an unconference where attendees can exchange ideas, knowledge and information in a creative and supporting environment, advancing the current state of cloud computing and related technologies. As an informal, member-supported gathering, we rely entirely on volunteers to help with meeting content, speakers, meeting locations, equipment and membership recruitment. We also have corporate sponsors that provide financial assistance with venues, food, drink, software, services and other valuable donations.
Location Sponsor: TBD
Local Organizer(s): -Antonio Agudo& Tom Leyden
Other CloudCamps ... www.cloudcamp.com/schedule
CloudCamp London March 12th '09 6pm, The Crypt, Clerkenwell)
Organized by CloudCampCloudCamp was formed in order to provide a common ground for the introduction and advancement of cloud computing.
Ticket Info: Attendee, Free
Official Website: http://cloudcamp-berlin-09-upcoming.eventbrite.com