The media is full of information about "Cloud Technology", and how it's the Next Big Thing - but what does this really mean? How does it affect your company's strategic choices with regards to technology? What are the pros and cons of moving to the "cloud"? Here's a hint: You're already there! In this free Webinar event, learn more about this broad term, and what it could mean for your business, and the pitfalls to avoid.
Another important topic is Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery -- too many businesses fail to grasp the importance of having a well designed plan to ensure their business can resume operations quickly after a catastophic event. We will spend some time go over some DR principles to get you thinking about this important subject.
This online Webinar event is hosted by Clare Computer Solutions, and during a lively, informative session, we will introduce some solutions to help you to:
* Understand all the hype about Cloud Computing.
* Learn the advantages and pitfalls of Cloud Computing
* See the different aspects and options in Cloud Computing
* Learn about the infrastructure "behind the scenes"
* Learn what a Cloud Feasibility Assessment does
* Learn about the difference between Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
* Learn about the principles of a good DR plan
* Learn what a DR Plan Assessment can uncover
When: Tuesday, June 19, 2012, from 11:00AM to Noon
Where: Online - URL and conference bridge info provided upon registration
Register now to reserve your seat for the 6/19 Webinar Event!
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on June 10, 2012