1000 Siskiyou Lake Boulevard
Mt. Shasta, California 96067

MORE INFO: http://www.breastcancerfund.org
Experience the climb of your life!

Climb Against the Odds~Mt. Shasta, the Breast Cancer Fund's seventh major mountaineering expedition, will take place July 7-13, 2006. This journey will be both a collective effort to prevent breast cancer and a personal challenge to beat the disease.

At 14,162 feet, Mt. Shasta stands as the most striking mountain in Northern California and is home to California's largest glaciers. Women with long skirts and adventurous spirits climbed its lofty peaks early on. The Breast Cancer Fund once again returns to Mt. Shasta to challenge her mystical slopes.

Apply to climb Mt. Shasta next July by contacting Connie George at (866) 760-8223 x30 or download an application at www.breastcancerfund.org.

The $1750 expense fee covers the following:

What Is Included
o Team Training Leader to assist with advice on pre-climb physical preparation
o Expert mountaineering guide service from Shasta Mountain Guides
o Six nights accommodations at The Mount Shasta Resort
o Tent accommodations and arrangements in the field, including group camping and commissary equipment
o Meals as detailed in the above itinerary (you supply snacks on the mountain while climbing)
o The majority of the clothing/equipment/gear you'll need to make the climb
o All necessary rental gear
o Strong Voices Training and presentation kit following the climb

What Is Not Included
o Transportation from your hometown to Mt. Shasta City, CA and back
o Medical insurance and evacuation insurance
o Some clothing/equipment, including items of a personal nature
o Beginner mountaineering course before the climb

Fewer than one in 10 cases of breast cancer are genetic. As many as 50 percent of breast cancer cases remain unexplained by personal characteristics and other traditionally-accepted risk factors; epidemiologists and other scientists increasingly believe many cases are linked to environmental factors.

Contact us today!

$1,750 cost of week's climb.

Website: http://www.breastcancerfund.org
Email: connie@breastcancerfund.org
Phone: 415-346-8223 x30

About Breast Cancer Fund:
The Breast Cancer Fund believes that most breast cancer can be prevented, and has adopted the bold mission to eliminate the environmental causes of the disease. Through public education, policy initiatives, outdoor challenges and other innovative campaigns, the Breast Cancer Fund mobilizes the public to secure the changes needed to stop this devastating epidemic.

Added by FullCalendar on December 22, 2005

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