Buchanan St & Marina Blvd
San Francisco, California 94123

"It is not accurate to say we can still stop climate change," says Saul Griffith, the Bay Area inventor who received a MacArthur "genius" award in 2007.

Griffith has done the research and the math to figure out exactly what it will take for humanity to soften the impact of climate change in the next 25 years, and he lays it out in a dazzling presentation.

The politics and technologies we have now are not up to the task. As a co-founder of numerous companies, including Instructables.com, technical adviser for Make and Popular Mechanics magazines and a contributor to Make and Craft, Griffith is a do-it-yourself/maker extraordinaire in search of new wills and ways that actually are up to the challenges we face.

The Seminars About Long-term Thinking were started in 02003 to build a coherent, compelling body of ideas about long-term thinking, to help nudge civilization toward Long Now's goal of making long-term thinking automatic and common instead of difficult and rare.

Seminar hosted by Stewart Brand.

Friday, January 16, 02009
Doors open 7:00pm, talk at 7:30pm lasting ~1.5 hours

The Cowell Theater at
Fort Mason Center, Pier 2
San Francisco, CA 94123

$10 suggested donation

We recommend you arrive early; priority seating is available for Members of Long Now.

There will be a reception at The Long Now Museum & Store following the Seminar.

For more information contact:
Danielle Engelman
Community Development Director
415.561.6582 x1

Official Website: http://longnow.org

Added by Long Now on December 16, 2008

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