1 American Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44144

User Research in the Design Process
-Vince Frantz

Ever stared at a blank Photoshop screen and just needed to “get started designing”? Ever been handed a 40 page spec sheet that you needed to build from? Ever wonder if this feature should even be built in the first place?

Not to be confused with usability testing – user research can help get client, designer and developer all on the same side of the table. A solid understanding of the user leads not only to true “usability” but even better ideas to build in the first place. With the right combination of tools and process – even designers and developers will demand user research with every project to the benefit of all.

Vince Frantz is an information designer and principal of Frantz I.D. Since 1996, he has spearheaded a broad scope of design projects across web, intra/extranet, print and motion media. Prior to that, Vince was an interaction designer and illustrator at Root Learning, Inc. After many years doing design and development, in 2005 he began designing a new form of organization that would enhance the user centered design and development process. In June of 2006, Sprokets launched as his own “ideal client” that would always align business strategy with end-user needs. Vince also founded the non-profit Public Square Group to help cities in Northeast Ohio employ a user centered approach to the design and development of sustainable skateboard parks.

6:30 - 7:00 Social time while attendees arrive
7:00 - 8:30 Presentation
8:30 - 11:00 More social time at Max & Erma's (5020 Tiedeman Rd)

Map for Max & Erma's

Official Website: http://clevelandwebstandards.org/

Added by cwsa on September 18, 2008