11000 W. Pleasant Valley Rd.
Parma, Ohio 44130

2008 will see some incredibly direction for the Cleveland Web Standards Association. This is your chance to have some input into its future course.

What would you like to get out of your membership?

What kinds of presentations would you like to see?

What meeting format interests you?

What venues for our more serious meetings, and for our social gatherings would you like?

Any ideas or suggestions you have, well this year's 2008 Direction Meeting of the CWSA is your place to let us know.

We'll be bantering a lot of ideas around and the Core Team members are going to be really trying to get all of your input so that this years growth and meetings are as wildly successful as last years. Come, join us in being a part of this, and along the evening's way enjoy some laughter and great networking and socializing opportunities.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Room WSS G4B (lower level of West Student Services/Galleria)

Official Website: http://webdesign.meetup.com/396/

Added by bdielman on January 20, 2008

Interested 1