Brief Description: Super Sprint Triathlon: 6:45 am (300-yard swim, 8 mile bike, 1.5 mile run) Sprint Race: 7:15 am (0.5m Swim, 16m Bike, 5k Run) Olympic Distance Race: 7:45 am (1.5k Swim, 24m Bike, 10k Run) Olympic Distance Relays: 8:00 am (1.5k Swim, 24m Bike, 10K Run)
Fees: See fees in next section
VIP Option: For $30, your race numbers, timing chip, swim cap, goody bag and t-shirt will be ready for your pick-up on race morning. Pre-race check in on Saturday is not mandatory. Check-in on race morning at a special VIP area where you will sign a waiver and pick up your race materials. VIP participants will also have reserved bike racks in the transition area and will receive a $10 merchandise gift certificate. You can choose the VIP option during the online registration process.
Flat water swim within the breakwall. Race takes place entirely in downtown Cleveland.
Official Website:
Added by jeffschuler on June 8, 2007
I will be competeing in the Super Sprint. My 1st Triathalon. The GCT does not have a super sprint so it is tough for a newbie to think about the sprint alone. AT least it has been for me. I am a super clydesdale.
I just want to finish!! Wish me luck.
Although the Cleveland Triathlon was once one of the great races in the country and sports a nice course and good venue, please also consider the Greater Cleveland Triathlon, in Mentor.
The GCT is on fantastic rolling hills and features three distances this year: a sprint, an olympic, and a half-iron. In addition, the GCT race is run by local triathletes who understand and care for the strong multisport community in northeast Ohio. In addition, you can save $40! Join the Cleveland Triathlon Club, Spin/Second Sole Multisport Team, and other local groups in supporting the best local races!