Registration has closed for this event.
Please contact Heather Kessen at
hkessen@landaupr.com or 216.912.2856 with questions or to inquire about late registration.
ClevelandPlusHigher Education Communicators' Summit
Join colleagues from Northeast Ohio colleges and universities to discuss and brainstorm how to better promote our region as a national leader in higher education.
Date: March 19, 2009Location:Corporate College EastTime: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.Cost: $75 (includes breakfast and Meet the Media lunch)
8:30 a.m. - Workshop led by higher education media relations pro Bill Tyson ofMorrison & Tyson Communications
9:45 a.m. - Facilitated open forum and discussion about positioning Northeast Ohio as a center of excellence in higher education
- Who we are: Defining Northeast Ohio as a higher education powerhouse- What we say: Discussion of current communications efforts and opportunities- How we say it: Brainstorming session about how to better shape perceptions of our region +Assignment and description of small breakout groups + Conduct small group exercise + Share outcomes of exercises with entire group
11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Meet the Media luncheon panel discussion, featuring: - Doug Lederman, editor, Inside Higher Ed- Janet Okoben, higher education editor, The Plain Dealer
This summit will be beneficialtohigher education professionalsinvolved in student relations, recruiting, internal and external communications, including:
+ Admissions counselors + Department chairs or deans involved in the recruiting process + Internal/student relations professionals + Media relations/public relations professionals + Publications directors + Sports information directors + Trustee, alumni and development relations representatives
Please forward this invitation on to anyone in your organization who should participate.
Contact Heather Kessen at
hkessen@landaupr.com or 216.912.2856 with questions.
Organized by Cleveland Plus Marketing Alliance
Ticket Info: General Registration, $75.00
Official Website: http://higheredsummit-upcoming.eventbrite.com