20237 Gulf Freeway
Houston, Texas 77058

Wednesday, April 16 **new date
Clear Lake
Vito’s Deckhouse-20237 Gulf Freeway (by Nasa Home Depot) in Houston, TX

Spring has Sprung and it’s (Spring) “Fever in the morning, Fever all through the night.” Join Houston Single Source at Vito’s Deckhouse, 20237 Gulf Freeway for our Clear Lake Houston Happy Hour. This month you don’t have to be from Clear Lake to mingle with other singles from 6-8PM. So venture south to join us in munching on some yummy appetizers. Vito’s Happy hour lasts from when they open their doors till 8pm! You’re in luck, guys and gals!

This event is free for members and $10 for non-members. For more information or to RSVP, please visit www.HoustonSingleSource.com, email RSVP@HoustonSingleSource.com, or call 713-630-0546.

Map: http://www.vitosdeckhouse.com/location_cl.php

Official Website: http://www.HoustonSingleSource.com

Added by houstonsingle on March 25, 2008

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