11211 Point East Drive
Rancho Cordova, California 95742

Almost every metropolis in any civilized country is jumping on the clean-tech bandwagon. Fund mangers are calling it the new engine of economic growth. Cities, Counties, Investors, Entrepreneurs are all diving in. Conference producers are all donning the clean-tech suit (we are one of them). With so much attention being grabbed by the analyst industry, media and entrepreneurs, where's the real opportunity for innovation and investment?

Why does clean-tech matter now and what are the technologies that seem to be delivering the best bang for the buck - and the environment - and what do we see on the horizon? Join a panel of investors who are also considered the pioneers and experts in clean-tech venture capital on June 28th at the next TechCoire meeting as they share their insight into the future of the clean tech industry. Some of the discussion topics include:

What are the unique opportunities and challenges?
What are the areas that are emerging as opportunities for strong growth?
Is this just another technology hype-cycle? If not, why would it succeed now?
What's the financial case for clean energy? Does the economics work now?
What sectors are hot (storage wind, biofuels, alternative energy, etc.)?
Where are the innovation opportunities in clean technology?

About TechCoire:
TechCoire helps entrepreneurs and executives from Northern California by empowering them with the knowledge, capital and connections that are critical to their development and growth.


Official Website: http://www.techcoire.com

Added by FullCalendar on June 7, 2007