Centennial Dr.
Berkeley, California 94720

May 6th, "Clean Energy Storage and Distribution" Berkeley Stanford Clean Tech Conference

This 3rd in a series of conferences is made possible through a partnership with the UC Berkeley Center for Energy & Environmental Innovation and student support from the Berkeley Energy Resources Collaborative (BERC), and Stanford University Energy Crossroads. BERC, an interdisciplinary, student-run organization at UC Berkeley, was founded in 2005 to enhance interdepartmental collaboration on energy issues and to serve as a bridge between the university and the private sector.

* Provide clear understanding of the current challenges and opportunities in energy storage at the utility and distributed scales, specifically the role of energy storage in enhancing the value of renewable energy sources
* Bring together leaders in energy to discuss the innovative science, technology, and requisite public policies that will shape the future of energy in the United States and across the globe
* Create a framework from which innovation will breed in next generation utility scale energy storage technology
* Attract, integrate, and cross-pollinate students, projects, and ideas between the various schools at UC Berkeley and Stanford University

Keynote speaker will be: Jeff Byron - Commissioner, California Energy Commission
Panelists will include:
Annabelle Louie (PG&E)
Ed Cazalet (Megawatt Storage Farms)
Adi Aron-Gilat (Better Place)
Eric Wesoff (Greentech Media)
Andrew Wang (Solar Reserve)
Haresh Kamath (EPRI)
Craig Horne (EnerVault)
Mohit Singh (Seeo)
Marianne Wu (Mohr Davidow Ventures)
Nick Hudson (McKinsey&Co.)

Moderators will include:
Nadeem Shiek (McKinsey&Co.)
Pramod Kulkarni (California Energy Commission)

Reporters are invited to attend the symposium free of charge. Contact Outreach Coordinator Deep Sahni at deepsahni@gmail.com

$15 Berkeley, Stanford students, $30 other students, $70 General public.

Official Website: http://cleantech.berkeley.edu

Added by FullCalendar on May 1, 2009