21 W Otterman St
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601

The Westmoreland Symphony Orchestra presents Classical Elegance, March 14, 2009 at 8:00pm at the Palace Theatre in Greensburg. This concert marks the first time in his 30 years as the WSO's music director, Maestro Kypros Markou will perform on violin with the WSO. He will be joined by principal oboist Renate Sakins.

Bach: Concerto for Violin and Oboe
Stravinsky: Pulchinella Suite
Haydn: Symphony No. 104 "London"

Tickets: $9-18-25-37 with $5 student rush
724.837.1850 to purchase tickets

Check out the WSO on Facebook.com

Official Website: http://www.westmorelandsymphony.org

Added by WSO Erin on December 22, 2008