Learn two methods for creating prints. Watercolor monotypes result in painterly images, while block prints can be very crisp and precise.
Best of all, you do not need strong drawing skills to make these prints -- bring black and white line art images that fit within a 5 x 7 area to use as a guide under your watercolor plate.
Bring a black and white line art image that fits within a 3 x 5 area, printed on a toner printer or copier, for your linoleum block print. Or, you can draw your images freehand if you prefer. You will come away with 4-6 prints and the ability to repeat these activities at home.
Bring a sack lunch. You supply the images, we supply all the materials!
Official Website: http://taaccl.org/education_adult.htm
Added by rikkim on March 30, 2010