Customers are the lifeblood of every thriving business or organization, and a targeted marketing strategy is the most powerful means to get those critical customers. But how do you develop a strategy? And how do you turn your strategy into highly effective marketing vehicles? This entry level course will teach you what marketing is, why it is important, how to develop a selling message, and what important vehicles are available to deliver your selling message. Designed for those who want to launch a marketing career or advance their marketing skills, Essentials of Integrated Marketing will provide a solid foundation for understanding the essentials of marketing and give you the tools you need for the rest of the Integrated Marketing classes
Required Textbook: Marketing Campaign Development, by Mike Gospe (available on; approx. $25).
Recommended Reading: The Battle for Your Mind, by Jack Trout and Al Ries (available on
Course #: MKTG 9601
Section: A01
Schedule #: 95110
Instructor: Mike Gospe
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on May 27, 2009