cyhsy set off to take the world by storm...
tickets here
Added by julieomg on July 14, 2005
dag, yo. this show is SOLD OUT. 1.5 months in advance!
i don't think i've ever known of a schubas show selling out that quickly.
i *swear* i knew about them before pitchfork......hahaha.
was planning to attend, but I was too late. a month and a half is not early enough to buy tickets. surely they will be back to headline their own show sometime soon.
Anyone got an extra set of tix? Email me., d00d. Thanks.
i might not be going after all. i won't know for a little while though. if i don't go and you still need a ticket i will sell you mine.
does anyone want to buy my ticket? i can't go...
do you have two by any chance..?
no..sorry, just 1... and i won't gouge you...
hmm. lemme see if i can find another somewhere. thanks -
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