6631 West Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23230

In commemoration of the American Civil War's sesquicentennial, Dr. James I. "Bud" Robertson, Jr., Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus of History and Founding Executive Director of the Virginia Center for Civil War Studies at Virginia Tech will be appearing at The Westin Richmond located at 6631 West Broad Street in Richmond's west end (Henrico County) on Tuesday, November 27, 2012. There will be a social for all registered attendees and Dr. Robertson will be available for book signings from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Immediately following the social, Dr. Robertson will begin his presentation titled, "Civil War: A Nation At Risk" which will highlight Richmond's role in the causes and potential aftermath of the war among other facets.
This event is hosted by the Richmond Chapter of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association and open to the public. Reservations are available on a first come, first served basis and limited to 300 people. The deadline to make reservations is 5:00pm on Monday, November 19. Additional details can be found and reservations made by visiting www.richmondhokies.org. Any event questions may be directed to events@richmondhokies.org or by calling (804)454-4654.

Official Website: http://www.richmondhokies.org

Added by RVANews on November 6, 2012