2401 East 100th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60617

Optimum Enterprises, Int. Modeling Agency will host a Citywide Audition/Casting Call on 20 February 2010 at the Jeffery Manor Public Library located, 2401 East 100th St., Chicago, IL.60617 at 2 pm for African American Male and Female Models and Actors between the ages of 16 thru 40. Those selected will have their picture appear on the cover of a Nationwide Book Release Entitled, “The BLAMP” (The Insurrection of Baron A’royal), Those individuals will also have the opportunity to act in the newly released Screen Play entitled, “The Thirst Can Not Be Quenched” (The Chronicles of a Christian Vampire) debuting this April 2010, here in Chicago. Both Items are Christian Oriented and fall in line with the Vampire Genre.
1. Go on-line to www.optimumenterprisesonline.com and fill out application for Models.
2. Follow the prompts and download a head shot and full body shot.
3. Be sure to put active Email/Telephone Number/full name on Application.
4. Resume not needed for Auditions/casting, bring paper and pen.
5. Must Wear All BLACK Clothing and Black Shades (Glasses) for pictures. (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!)
6. Women should dress Sexy and Seductive with hair and make-up looking professional. You may wear any of these items as long as they are neatly pressed and all black: pants/shoes/skirts/dress/blouse/black gloves if available and black shades (Glasses)
7. Men should dress to impress and be nicely groomed. You may wear any of these items as long as they are clean, neatly pressed and all blacks: pants/shoes/socks/shirts/suits/ black leather jackets/leather gloves if available and black shades (Glasses)
8. If you don’t have head & body shots a photographer will be on hand to assist you.
9. Bring paper and pen with you.
10. Come no more than 30 minutes early and be On Time.
Mr. TR. Scott, CEO, Optimum Enterprises, Int. For questions email trscott003@yahoo.com

Official Website: http://www.optimumenterprisesonline.com

Added by trscott003 on February 7, 2010

Interested 1