Once upon a time, not that long ago, a small yet perfectly formed group of deviants decided the time was ripe to redefine what it meant to have a night out in Derby. City-Zen was born.
A year on and we're chucking a jolly ol' shin dig to celebrate what's been a wonderful series of monthly events bringing you the most diverse and inspiring nuggets of self-expression, music, film, info and activism.
Each month at City-Zen we host two performances, a DJ, show films, invite speakers, display slideshows and provide an open platform for free-expression and information. S19 housing Co-Op project have been kindly cooking up the tasty veggie grub whilst Scotts been kindly hooking us up with the heavy rubs. All good.
Each month we've raised money and awareness towards various progressive social causes via your generous donations, showing films and displaying relevant info. We've been encouraging people to get involved, whether through the various campaigning groups we highlight, using the open floor or contributing to the City-Zen newsletter.
We'd love more people to get involved so that this very positive movement can build and build. Please come down this weekend bring ya beer tokens, thinking caps and dancing shoes, it's gonna be special.
Check out the flyer: http://img472.imageshack.us/img472/2492/fundraiser1copypk4.jpg
Added by hermzz on March 22, 2007