Using Online Diaries in Formative Evaluations Centre Demonstration - Dr Valentina Lichtner & Angela KounkouThis
session demonstrates the use of an on-line diary for the remote
evaluation at distributed workplaces in Europe. The workplace
evaluation was carried out collaboratively in four different
organizations, across different European countries. The online diary
was built with the open source discussion forum software phpBB. Used in
combination with other research methods, the diary allowed gathering
data on the system design and performance as well as the user
experience. Its flexibility met participants' preferences and needs.
With its use, the diary became the communication tool between users,
researchers and developers, giving voice to the users in the evaluation
and redesign process. The online diaries will also be reported at
CHI'2009 in Boston.
! LIMITED SPACES please book early to avoid disappointment !
This event is part of series of FREE talks and seminars to
be held at City University's Centre for HCID as part of an open
evening, to find out about more of the other events please click here
Organized by Centre for Human Computer Interaction Design
Ticket Info: City University HCID Open Day: Online Diaries Centre Demonstration, Free
Official Website: http://hcidopenevening-event6-upcoming.eventbrite.com