Practical Approaches to Lacroscopic Training with Haptics by Dr Dean Mohamedally & Dr Shabnam Parkar
Miss Shabnam Parkar MBBS, MRCS (Eng), BSc (Hons), AICSMShabnam studied Medicine at Imperial College, South Kensington and has anintercalated BSc in Neuroscience. She has her work on flavanoids publishedin scientific journals where she demonstrated that the key ingredient inturmeric was potentially curative in Parkinson's Disease. After graduatingfrom medical school with merits in surgery, Shabnam took her House job inColchester, Essex, where she worked in general and vascular surgery. Shethen moved back into London in 2006 to work in the west London hospitalsincluding Charing Cross Hospital, Hammersmith and Chelsea & WestminsterHospital, working in cardiothoracic surgery, general and plasticreconstructive surgery.Most recently she is working at Great Ormond Street Hospital as a paediatricsurgeon and hopes to pursue this specialty as her chosen career. She hasalways been interested in medical education and her most recent workincludes a novel laparoscopic trainer to teach key-hole surgery to traineesurgeons. The collaborative work between information technology and clinicalmedicine is vital to make sure we keep abreast of the latest techniques inorder to provide excellence in clinical care for the public. A motto Shabnamalways believes in is'Nothing is ever impossible;' if you truly believe in something, you canmake it happen.
Dr Dean Mohamedally, PhD (CompSci), MBCS, BSc(Hons)Dean completed his PhD in 2006 at the Centre for HCI Design, City UniversityLondon. His field speciality is in Mobile HCI and has published a number ofpapers in conferences and journals for the British Computing Society andothers relating to Knowledge Elicitation in HCI and gesture-based input (atthe time, digital-ink based). Currently he spends much of his time asDirector of Tigerlily Digital Limited, which delivers Symbian, J2ME andother mobile platform software in a number of countries for mainstreamhandset application catalogues such as Handango, T-Mobile T-Zones USA and Orange World France. His company has had success with an excess of 4.5million ad-sponsored and commercial software downloads since 2006. Morerecently, Tigerlily Digital has developed a range of portable portaltechnology solutions, which together with several industry partners are tobe deployed on over 750,000 memory sticks from this Spring 2009 onwards.Dean is also the Director of Optical Remix Ltd, a digital imaging andgraphics simulations company which he founded to pursue his artisticinterests and develop commercial imaging-HCI related technology.Additionally, because he missed University so much, he has been a VisitingLecturer at City University since 2008 and has been bringing his experiencesto both Advanced Games Technology (OpenGL) for final year games and graphicsundergraduate students, and E-Commerce (Final year and Masters; CompSci,E-Publishing, E-Business), one of the largest final year groups at theSchool of Informatics. He is currently pursuing avenues of commercial andacademic research relating to imaging and motion perceived haptics, andtheir potential applications in industry and indeed life.
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Organized by Centre for Human Computer Interaction Design
Ticket Info: City University HCID Open Day: Practical Approaches to Lacroscopic Training with Haptics, Free
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