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This event is part of series of FREE talks and seminars to be held at City University's Centre for HCID as part of an open evening, to find out about more of the other events please click herePlayful Triggers, hybrid tools and anomalous artifacts: field tales on participatory and creative practice by Dr Daria Loi, IntelAbstractOver the past decade user-centered practitioners, participatory designers, and user experience researchers and ethnographers operating in HCI fields have experimented with a variety of qualitative and creative methods and tools - to understand users and their contexts of use and ultimately design products, services, and applications that better mirror, support and enrich people's everyday lives. In this seminar, drawing from my practice in the User Experience Group at Intel Corporation and other organizational and creative settings (Loi & Burrows 2006; Loi & Prabhala 2008), I will overview tools such as Cultural Probes (Gaver et al 1999) and Playful Triggers (Loi 2005), sharing examples of how these tools can be effectively adopted within industry and multicultural contexts (Loi 2008). Through case studies and a number of critical reflections, I will highlight a number of key issues and lessons to consider when adopting these types of creative approaches and tools in industry or academia (Loi 2007).BioWith a background in Architecture and a PhD in Design/Management from RMIT University, Daria Loi is Research Scientist in the User Experience Group at Intel, where she conducts ethnographic studies and develops usage models and design concepts for domestic environments. Before joining Intel she has worked as designer, journalist, lecturer and senior research fellow in Italy and Australia. On the advisory board for the Center for Children's Learning at Portland Children Museum and the Journal of Computers in Human Behaviour, Daria was recently appointed Conference Program Co-Chair for the 2010 Participatory Design conference and she is an active reviewer for a number of conferences and journals, including: CHI; ozCHI; PDC; JCHB; IJAandT; EPIC; ITJ; DRS; R2P; and Artifact. Her practice revolves around participatory design; HCI; multimodal interfaces; and practice-based inquiry. More details at:
http://www.darialoi.comOrganized by Centre for Human Computer Interaction Design
Ticket Info: City University HCID Open Day: Playful Triggers, hybrid tools and anomalous artifacts: field tales on participatory and creative practice, Free
Official Website: http://hcidopenevening-event1-upcoming.eventbrite.com