Mobile Tools For Discovering Requirements Centre Demonstration - Dr Norbert SeyffTraditionally
requirements tools have been bound to desk tops. This session will
demonstrate the Mobile Scenario Presenter tool that enables analysts to
walk through scenarios in the workplace on mobile devices such as PDAs.
The tool combines the structure and guidance associated with scenarios
with observations about the current workplace and interactions with
users through contextual inquiry. Requirements and other data can be
captured in written and audio form. The tool will be demonstrated using
real-world examples from conference and airport management systems.
! LIMITED SPACES please book early to avoid disappointment !
This event is part of series of FREE talks and seminars to
be held at City University's Centre for HCID as part of an open
evening, to find out about more of the other events please click here
Organized by Centre for Human Computer Interaction Design
Ticket Info: City University HCID Open Day: Mobile Tools Centre Demonstration, Free
Official Website: http://hcidopenevening-event13-upcoming.eventbrite.com