Creativity Tools to Discover Requirements Centre Demonstration - Kristine KarlsenAlthough there has been growing
interest in creativity support tools, few of these tools have been
applied to support software design. This session demonstrates the
integration of the combinFormation creativity support tool with
ART-SCENE, a scenario-based tool for discovering requirements for new
systems. It will show both tools, the integration, and situation the
use of these tools in the context of creativity workshops in software
design projects.
! LIMITED SPACES please book early to avoid disappointment !
This event is part of series of FREE talks and seminars to
be held at City University's Centre for HCID as part of an open
evening, to find out about more of the other events please click here
Organized by Centre for Human Computer Interaction Design
Ticket Info: City University HCID Open Day: Creativity Centre Demonstration, Free
Official Website: http://hcidopenevening-event11-upcoming.eventbrite.com