2516 Market Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 44113


A monthly gathering of folks that want to learn, dialogue, and collaborate around issues of food, health, community development, and the environment. Hosted by the New Agrarian Center and the Great Lakes Brewing Company. Held the third Thursday of every month in the Great Lakes Brewing Company Cellar.

Monday, December 17th starting at 6pm.

Topic : Gardens and Keeping Greenspace in the City
Facilitators : Joe Cimperman, Councilman, Ward 13
Sis Ricchuto, Gardener, Kentucky Garden
Marge Misak, E.D. Cuyahoga Community Land Trust
Description: This year, Cleveland set a new national standard as one of the first major cities in the United States to develop zoning to protect garden space in the city. How can urban agriculture help to address the health and aesthetics of our neighborhoods? How can urban gardens provide working greenspace that builds community and improves our local food supply? How can agriculture become a more significant part of the urban fabric, especially with so much vacant land? Come and celebrate Cleveland’s accomplishments to support urban gardening and help envision what this can mean for our city and the future of our region.
Schedule : 6:00-6:45 Meet and enjoy snacks, refreshments
6:45-7:00 Multi-media presentation on urban agriculture
7:00-7:45 Discussion of issues around food deserts
7:45-8:00 Social networking, collaborating, and imbibing
Location : Great Lakes Brewing Company, Basement beer cellar
2516 Market Ave, Cleveland 44113
Forum Ideas: Would you like to host or facilitate a forum? Is there a topic that you would like to suggest? Please contact brad@gotthenac.org with ideas!
Light refreshments featuring locally raised foods will be available as well as cash bar.

Added by Jenita on December 13, 2007



I might be a bit slow today, but I just don't get it. How is it that City Fresh Mondays are held the third Thursday but this time are on a Monday and called City Fresh Monday. I await enlightenment.