1) CITY FRESH MONDAY, September 22
This Monday, September 22, 2008
Great Lakes Brewing Company
Basement Pub, 6:00-8:00pm
6:00 Open Networking
6:30-7:15 Film Screenings: Regeneration & Seeds the Creator Gave Us
7:15-8:00 Discussion/Mixing
Film Forum: Food Without Petroleum
As we grapple with rising fuel prices, declining energy supplies, and climate destabilization, can we begin to envision food systems without petroleum dependency? How do we look to the deep past and indigenous food systems to seed a vision for a future food system for Northeast Ohio that honors community, health, and ecological sustainability. Discussion will revolve around two short films: Regeneration, a rough cut segment of the upcoming documentary Uprooted and Seeds the Creator Gave Us, a talk on indigenous food systems by Winona LaDuke with the White Land Recovery Project.
Next City Fresh Monday is scheduled for Monday, October 20th, 6-8pm. The topic will be Celebrating Northeast Ohio�s Innovations in Local Food Systems.
Added by Jenita on September 19, 2008