KOOZA tells the story of The Innocent, a melancholy loner in search of his place in the world.
KOOZA is a return to the origins of Cirque du Soleil: It combines two circus traditions – acrobatic performance and the art of clowning. The show highlights the physical demands of human performance in all its splendor and fragility, presented in a colorful mélange that emphasizes bold slapstick humor.
Celebrities Juan Barbieri and Wes Hayden (THE BACHELORETTE) with Lauren Slater (KOOZA ICON) promoting the upcoming Cirque du Soleil show "Kooza" in Santa Monica.
For tickets: http://GETCHEAPTICKETS.INFO/tix.html
Official Website: http://www.cirquedusoleil.com/en/shows/kooza/promo/2009/whooza.aspx
Added by Whooza on October 14, 2009