Death-defying daredevils...hilarious humans...marvelous musicians... astonishing acrobats. Australia's original and best contemporary circus troupe comes to Berkeley, having spent recent years captivating audiences throughout Australia, Europe, and the United Kingdom. For more than two decades, Circus Oz has brought its unique performances of wit, grace, spectacle, satire, and finely tuned silliness to audiences in over in 24 countries, including an extended run at the New Victory Theater in New York City. For the Laughing at Gravity Tour, the company has gathered a mind-boggling array of new world-class performers and created a delightful show that melds anarchy with absurdity. "It is hysterical and graceful, awesome and intimate, weird and beautiful" (New York Daily News).
Official Website:
Added by ste3ve on August 18, 2008